Visiting Artist

Austin Stern: Cane on the Brain


"Cane on the Brain" with Austin Stern - a week-long hotshop studio intensive

In this course, students will explore traditional and non-traditional cane techniques. Starting with the process of pulling filigrana cane, students will expand into pulling complex cane types and explore a variety of possible applications for that cane. Students will be given one-on-one guidance for specific questions, and projects will guide the glass through technical and design challenges. Students are encouraged to bring a sketchbook and come to class prepared to work together and share ideas.

Sign up for Cane on the Brain!

Austin Stern is a glass artist based in Tacoma, WA, USA. He has been blowing glass since the age of 14, as a high school student in Palo Alto, California. After earning a degree in glassblowing from Emporia State University in Kansas, Stern moved to Seattle to develop his own artistic practice in the vibrant glassblowing community of the Pacific Northwest. Stern exhibits his work nationally and internationally, and has been a resident artist and instructor in the United States, Thailand, and Sweden. 

Learn more about Austin and his work

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